Below is a 12 months projection table showing the total commission
potential given the following Conservative Assumptions:

 1. You have No previous  experience on this business
 2. You are doing the business on a Part-time basis only
 3. It takes you (1) one month to sell the two (2) Jinga Packs
 4. After the initial 2 Jinga Packs, you did not make any more sales
 5. Succeeding dealers after you also takes (1) one month to sell the
    two (2) Jinga Packs
 6. After the initial 2 Jinga Packs, the succeeding dealers did not make
    any more saless

LEGEND: ** Maximum Override Commission per month

- This project conservatively assummes that each Dealer is able to sell
a PAIR of Jinga Packs within a month from registration.
- A Dealer can achieve this faster/slower, depending on the effort and
the attitude that he/she will dedicate in doing the JINGA Business.


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