The combination of the two (2) superfoods - Wheatgrass and Guyabano

Just right to cover the body's daily requirements of Vitamins,
      Minerals, Enzimes and Fiber.
JINGA JUICE brings to you  the Wonders of Wheatgrass and Goodness ofGuyabano in one sachet. All you need is a glass of water and some ice and you can enjoy all the health benefits from these two superfoods in a refreshing nutrition-packed juice drink. Both Wheatgrass and Guyabano, on its own, became popular for its health benefits.

WHEATGRASS made a name
for itself as one of nature’s richest sources of chlorophyll and has
proven to be a natural body cleanser, rebuilder, and neutralizer of body toxins. Obtaining the juice from this miracle plant requires you purchase the wheatgrass abroad or you make a trip to your local juice bar to buy a shot.

GUYABANO is known for
being 10,000 times more potent in slowing the growth of cancer cells than adriamycin, a commonly used drug in chemotherapy. Guyabano is also known to kill 12 cancer types. Enjoying these benefits from Guyabano requires hours and hours of boiling its fruits and leaves.

One sachet is best mixed with 350ml to 500ml cold water

Nutritional Value
Jinga Juice is made of pure powdered Wheatgrass and Guyabano. You can see how nutrition-packed Jinga Juice is. The Vitamin C in Jinga Juice is 6 times more than that of an orange.
Nutritional                Value per 100g            
Polyunsaturated Fat     0.06g     Iron     0.64mg
Saturated Fat     0.50g     Thiamine     0.11mg
Protein     1.00g     Vitamine C     20.60g
Dietary Fiber     3.30g     Riboflavin     0.05mg
Carbohydrates     16.846g     Sodium     14.00mg
Calcium     10.30g     Lysine     60.00mg
Calories     6.00g     Tryptophan     11.00mg
Phosphorous     27.70mg     Niacin     1.28mg
Fiber     0.79g     Methionine     7.00mg
Ascorbic Acid     29.60mgg     Potassium     270mg


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